Monday, February 24, 2014

Mixtape fails in comparison to Vine and Instagram

First off, yes I procrastinated on this. I opened the app on Friday intent on getting this over with and being done with the project. And this post is not an excuse for why I did not do the assignment by any means. With that out of the way, the app mixtape is just a disappointment in video edit technology. 

The source material available by others for you to incorporate in your own videos is so shallow that you'll be lucky to actually find the kind of video you're looking for. This is mostly due to the fact that the search engine runs off of literal keywords. For example, searching for the song "Say Something" is practically impossible because you get videos ranging from "Jimmy is going to say Hi to me today" to "Something is in my shoe ugh". The app does not separate videos into categories either which further clunks everything together as well. None of the users on Mixtape use more than one hashtag, a staple part of Instagram which allows users to browse through keywords at an accellerated pace. 

Then there are the actual technical difficulties that I faced. It might just be me but for the life of me I could not figure out how to save clips from other videos. There was no help section to assist me and I still doubt that it is even possible to incorporate other people's work into mine. I recorded about 15 seconds of material and looked to finish it off with a decently funny video clip I found on the site. But the closest I could get to saving the video clip was copying the URL which did absolutely nothing for me. 

All in all, I was actually excited when I heard we would be doing an app project since I never heard of Mixtape before and it had a neat concept. But the execution was so disappointing and it looked and felt more like a poor man's Vine instead of its own separate entity. 

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